Click The Thumbnail to view |
Description |
E1 Elliott 152 glass printed-circuit board |
E1 Elliott 152 |
E1 Elliott 153 printed-circuit board |
E1 Elliott 153 |
E1 Elliott Nicholas |
E1 Nickel delay line store for Nicholas |
E2 401 covers on |
E2 401 covers off |
E2 401 circuit packages |
E2 402E |
E2 402F |
_main_processor.JPG) |
E2 403 (WREDAC) main processor |
E2 403 (WREDOC) output system |
E2 403 (WREDOC) output system covers off |
E2 400 series disc |
E2 405 16-word nickel delay line |
E2 405 commissioning |
E2 405 magnetic film deck |
E2 405 Norwich |
E3 Elliott 802 |
E3 Elliott 803 |
E3 printed-circuit board for an 803 |
E3 an 803 at the Houses of Parliament |
E3 a 503 under test at Borehamwood |
E3 Elliott 503 |
E3 an Elliott ARCH computer for the Steel Company of Wales |
.jpg) |
E3 Elliott circuit modules (503 upper left) |
E4 Elliott 502 |
E5 Elliott 920A |
E5 Elliott 920M |
E5 Elliott 920 M unfolded |
E5 Elliott 920ATC |
E5 Elliott 903 |
E5 Elliott 905 |
E6 Elliott 4100 series central processor |
E6 Elliott 4100 series exchangeable discs |
_and_4120_(background)_at_Borehamwood.JPG) |
E6 Elliott 4130 (foreground) and 4120 (background) at Borehamwood |